If you’ve never climbed a mountain

If you’ve never climbed a mountain

You’re going to think 

There’s only one way up

You’re going to look at the summit and say

“I’ll never reach that, it’s too high, too hard, I’ll wait at the bottom and get you a pint, 

you climb, if you want, I’m too scared”.

If you’ve never climbed a mountain 

Then how could you know

That nobody climbs 

They just take a step, and another, and go.

And keep going ‘til the mountain’s not there.

If you’ve never climbed a mountain

You’ve either had it too easy

Or not even tried

And I don’t know what’s worse, to be fair

Because I’d rather climb a mountain

Just one step at a time

Halfway to I don’t know where.


When you walk


If I was a bird